Thursday, January 7, 2010


So...i'm trying this whole blog thing out. I've been thinking about doing it for awhile. I have a lot of thoughts and why not put them on the internet, right? Maybe it'll be interesting enough for other people to enjoy...maybe?

Why the title?
Well, I figured out there's only one thing that makes the world go 'round: love. Cliche, right? Well, I'm not denying that I'm cliche, but don't count me out just yet in terms of this blog. I'm not just talking about the "boy loves girl, girl loves boy" type of love. I'm talking about a love for anything. Think about it. NOTHING would ever happen in this world if there wasn't love. Where would we be if Thomas Edison didn't have a love for lighting up a room without a candle? How popular would the Lotto have become of people didn't have a love for gambling and winning millions of dollars...actually, who doesn't have a love for a miracle story? That's why "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" is so popular...Heck, what would I be typing on if Steve Jobs didn't have a love for making personal computers? Have a PC sitting in my lap instead of my beautiful little macbook? No, grazie. haha..but seriously, I have a passion for love because it is the driving force behind every single thing we do. If you wanna argue with that subjective statement, then leave a comment and I will listen to your opinion...but in all honesty, will probably never change mine(: that explains that first part of my blog title.
And the second part? fad. Well, besided my strong passion for love, I have a more materialistic passion for fashion. Don't judge. I love it. It's creative and interesting and constantly evolving. To quote that wonderful movie, "The Devil Wears Prada," fashion is "greater than art because you live your life in it." I'm not putting down art, please don't get me wrong. I respect art so much, but I also recognize fashion as an art...a kind of portable art that can strongly give people an insight to who you are without saying a word. Yes, yes..i know we aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but let's stop kidding ourselves...we all do it. Word of advice: just remember to be open to changing and adapting this instinctual judgment as you get to know these people. So...the second word of this blog title is a tribute to the art of fashion.

And to sum that all up: I plan to dedicate this blog to mostly passion & fashion..but since that name was apparently taken: love and fads(: (btw...I don't promise to ONLY stick to those two subjects). I think the name was a good compromise to the one I originally wanted. And who cares about the title? Form an opinion about my blog based on its content. Stop judging a blog by its title (;


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